On 21. 09. 22 10:17, Baptiste Carvello wrote:

good to see that someone in the Steering Council still reads here, as
some of the actions necessary to make either mailing-list mode or RSS a
viable alternative [1] need an official "hat":

* mailing-list mode: there needs to be a *standardized* set of filters
to access Core-Dev + PEPs (and only that). That's the only way to make
sure all people using mailing-list mode get the same set of posts.
Giving this set of filters an official status would allow external
mirroring and archiving (relying solely on discourse.org for archiving
is imprudent).

Do you have a proposal we could standardize?
Open a PR on the devguide. You shouldn't need an official hat-wearer around, unless there's a disagreement.

But I don't think the goal is to make sure all people using the mailing list get the same set of posts. Different people have different interests.
Only mirroring/archiving Core-Dev + PEPs also seems pretty arbitrary.

* RSS: the shortcomings I described in my august post [2] are still
there. At the very least, the PSF needs to make sure that the age /
length limits of the RSS files (both core-dev.rss and posts.rss) are
*much* increased.

I'm not sure what the PSF can do here -- this sounds like it should be a feature request to Discourse. I guess the mailing list mode is a better option if you don't want to miss anything. Is it lacking something that RSS provides, besides easier filtering?


[1] hopefully "we don't see anything that would block Python
development" doesn't mean alternatives to the (slow and annoying) web
interface are abandoned.


  Viktorin a écrit :
As mentioned previously [0], the Steering Council decided to switch from
python-dev to Discourse (discuss.python.org).
We're aware that Discourse is not perfect. The previous mail thread [0]
lists various shortcomings, as well as some workarounds. However, we
don't see anything that would block Python development.

Practically, the switch means that:
- New PEPs should be announced in the PEPs category on Discourse (rather
than on this list), and
- The Devguide will list Discourse, rather than mailing lists, as the
primary communication channel.

Note that you can have development-related discussions anywhere, as long
as you (eventually) include all relevant people. You're welcome to
continue using python-dev and other mailing lists, IRC, in-person
sprints, etc. But for PEP-level changes, we believe python-dev no longer
reaches the proper audience.

For the related docs changes, see [peps-2775] and [devguide-945]. Note
that this is documentation, not law – if something is unclear or doesn't
make sense, please ask for clarification or propose edits.


[peps-2775]: https://github.com/python/peps/pull/2775
[devguide-945]: https://github.com/python/devguide/pull/945

— Petr, on behalf of the Steering Council
Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
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