On Tue, 29 Nov 2022 at 01:33, Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 28, 2022 at 11:13:34PM +0000, Oscar Benjamin wrote:
> > On Mon, 28 Nov 2022 at 22:56, Brett Cannon <br...@python.org> wrote:
> As I understand it, we could make sets ordered, but only at the cost of
> space (much more memory) or time (slower) or both.
> I am sure that Guido is correct that **if** somebody comes up with a
> fast, efficient ordered set implementation that doesn't perform worse
> than the current implementation, we will happily swap to giving sets a
> predictable order, as we did with dicts. (Practicality beats purity --
> even if sets are *philosophically* unordered, preserving input order is
> too useful to give up unless we gain something in return.)

Let's split this into two separate questions:

1. Is it *innately* good that set order is non-deterministic?
2. Are there some other reasons why it is good to choose a model that
implies *non-deterministic* set order?

The answer to 1. is emphatically NO. In fact the question itself is
badly posed: why are we even asking about "set order" rather than the
benefits of determinism in general? If I want my code to be
deterministic then that's just something that I want regardless of
whether sets, dicts, floats etc are involved.

As for point 2. the fact that sets are currently non-deterministic is
actually a relatively new thing in Python. Before hash-randomisation
set and dict order *was* deterministic but with an arbitrary order.
That was only changed because of a supposed security issue with hash
collisions. Prior to that it was well understood that determinism was
beneficial (honestly I don't understand why I have to state this point
explicitly: determinism is almost always best in our context).

Please everyone don't confuse arbitrary order, implementation defined
order and non-deterministic order. There is no reason why sets in
Python need to have a *non-deterministic* order or at least why there
shouldn't be a way to control that. There is no performance penalty in
making the order *deterministic*. (If you think that there might be a
performance penalty then you haven't understood the suggestion!)

> > It would be useful to have a straight-forward way to sort a set into a
> > deterministic ordering but no such feature exists after the Py3K
> > changes (sorted used to do this in Python 2.x).
> `sorted()` works fine on homogeneous sets. It is only heterogeneous sets
> that are a problem, and in practice, that usually means None mixed in
> with some other type.

That is of course precisely the context for this thread!

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