M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> I think it's only fair that I ask the patch authors to complete
> the PEP, since the ssize_t patch is causing extension authors
> enough trouble already.

Well, the PEP is complete as it stands. It's possible to provide
more guidelines, but the specification part of it says precisely
what I intend it to say. Also, the API documentation ought to
be in the Python documentation, and, for these changes, it is.

> If you want quick adoption of the changes, you have
> to make it as easy as possible for the authors to port their
> extensions to the new API. Otherwise, we'll end up having
> quite a large number of users who can't switch to Python 2.5
> simply because their favorite extensions don't work with it.

I don't see how giving a complete list of all changed functions
helps in any way.

> It's also not good enough to simply suggest to ignore compiler
> warnings - this falls back on the extension authors and the
> quality of their code without them really having done anything
> wrong.

Sure. Compiler warnings should be corrected. That's why the compiler
emits them. However, I don't see how this is related to the text of
the PEP.


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