I made a plea for help months ago (just checked, and it was Jan 2004! time 
flies like a fruit or something, ref 
http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2004-January/202704.html ) 
about directions to fix the borken Tix.Grid widget; I had no replies.

I finally found some spare time (too little, though, much work, wife 
expecting etc) and I started work on it, and at the moment it can be added 
in a window and has some functionality, but I need a lot more finding my way 
about using tcl/tk --I have almost zero knowledge of the language.

I would like to know if supplying a patch for it sometime in the next couple 
of weeks would be considered a patch (since the widget currently is not 
working at all, its class in Tix.py contains just a pass statement) or a 
feature (ie extra functionality) for the 2.5 branch...

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