Tim Peters wrote:
> Well, there may well be a bug (or multiple bugs) underlying that one
> too.  It's one thing for Py_Finalize() not to release all memory (it
> doesn't and probably never will), but it's not necessarily the same
> thing if running Py_Initialize() ... Py_Finalize() repeatedly keeps
> leaking more and more memory.

Running Py_Initialize/Py_Finalize once leaves 2150 objects behind (on
Linux). The second run adds 180 additional objects; each subsequent
run appears to add 156 more.

> Not unless the module has a finalization function called by
> Py_Finalize() that frees such things (like PyString_Fini and
> PyInt_Fini).

How should the module install such a function? PyString_Fini
and PyInt_Fini are invoked explicitly in pythonrun.c. That doesn't
scale to extension modules.

> I'm not clear on whether, e.g., init_socket() may get called more than
> once if socket-slinging code appears in a Py_Initialize() ...
> Py_Finalize().

Module initialization functions are called each time. Py_Finalize
"forgets" which modules had been loaded, and reloads them all.

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