At 08:51 AM 4/19/2006 +0200, Fredrik Lundh wrote:
>do you expect linux and bsd packagers to switch to your stuff for all their
>python needs,

Heck no, which is why setuptools tries hard to be compatible with bdist_* 
commands.  As long as they use --root or 
--single-version-externally-managed, setuptools should play nice with them.

>or are you building a parallel universe ?  if so, why ?

Many Python users are unable to use existing packaging systems - if for 
example they're not root, or their platform doesn't have one (Windows and Mac).

People developing Python applications often need to switch between 
different versions of Python packages, and manage what packages are 
distributed with their application, while sometimes using bleeding edge 
versions.  They can't use a system packaging tool either.

People distributing Python libraries don't want to have to build packages 
for each and every Linux flavor, plus BSDs and other platforms.

People creating extensible applications and frameworks (Zope, TurboGears, 
Chandler, Trac, ...) can't use system packagers to install and manage their 
plugins, or the libraries used by their plugins, especially if they're 
end-user applications or are run in shared hosting space.

And there are probably other reasons that are escaping me at the 
moment.  Mainly, though, setuptools offers developers relief from having to 
support myriad packaging systems in order to be able to depend on other 
Python packages.  They specify their dependencies in terms of PyPI, not in 
terms of distribution X's name for a system package that installs that 
facility.  That and plugin support are setuptools' core raison d'etre.

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