Paul Moore wrote:
> On 4/23/06, Nick Coghlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> For those not following along at home, I've now updated PEP 343 to clarify my
>> originally intended meanings for various terms, and to record the fact that 
>> we
>> don't currently have a consensus on python-dev that those are the right
>> definitions.
> Is it OK if I *don't* read the PEP? I'd rather read the 2.5a2 docs
> with a fresh mind, not with preconceived ideas based on the PEP. It
> means the feedback gets delayed a bit, but I assume that's OK as
> you're planning on including the change in the release anyway.

That's fine - the PEP changes are mainly targeted at clearing things up that 
were ambiguous in the original PEP. Because they were ambiguous, the 2.5a1 
implementation went with interpretation A, the documentation went with 
interpretation B, and so naturally everything fell apart in a confusing heap 
when the implementation and documentation met in the middle.

I'm shifting everything to use the same interpretation as the implementation 
for alpha 2 (although AMK will have to decide what he wants to do with the 
what's new section, since that currently mixes and matches the two different 

If people still find it confusing when PEP+implementation+documentation are 
all using the terminology the same way, then we can look at other 
possibilities (such as adding a completely new term like 'context definition' 
for the context objects).


Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia
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