Brett Cannon wrote:
> here is the rough draft of the PEP for packages maintained externally
> from Python itself.  There is some missing, though, that I would like
> help filling in.
> I don't know who to list as the contact person (i.e., the Python
> developer in charge of the code) for Expat, Optik or pysqlite.  I know
> Greg Ward wrote Optik, but I don't know if he is still active at all
> (I saw AMK's email on Greg being busy).  I also thought Gerhard
> Haering was in charge of pysqlite, but he has never responded to any
> emails about this topic.  Maybe the responsibility should go to
> Anthony since I know he worked to get the package in and probably
> cares about keeping it updated?  As for Expat (the parser), is that
> Fred?
> I also don't know what version of ctypes is in 2.5 .  Thomas, can you tell me?

> ctypes
> ------
> - Web page
> - Standard library name
>     ctypes
> - Contact person
>     Thomas Heller
> - Synchronisation history

     * (2.5a1)
     * (2.5a2)

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