The following PEPs are open according to PEP 0 and haven't seen much
activity recently IIRC.  I'd like everyone to take a cut and bring
these up to date.  For all the PEPs that aren't going anywhere, can we
close them?  Please update your PEP if appropriate.

PEP 237 mentions changing an OverflowWarning in 2.5.  Did we do that?
Are any of the PEPs below in a similar boat?  302?

If you want to discuss any of these, please start a new thread.


  S   209  Adding Multidimensional Arrays               Barrett, Oliphant
  S   228  Reworking Python's Numeric Model             Zadka, GvR
  S   243  Module Repository Upload Mechanism           Reifschneider
  S   256  Docstring Processing System Framework        Goodger
  S   258  Docutils Design Specification                Goodger
  S   266  Optimizing Global Variable/Attribute Access  Montanaro
  S   267  Optimized Access to Module Namespaces        Hylton
  S   268  Extended HTTP functionality and WebDAV       Stein
  S   275  Switching on Multiple Values                 Lemburg
  S   280  Optimizing access to globals                 GvR
  S   286  Enhanced Argument Tuples                     von Loewis
  I   287  reStructuredText Docstring Format            Goodger
  S   297  Support for System Upgrades                  Lemburg
 S   298  The Locked Buffer Interface                  Heller
  S   302  New Import Hooks                             JvR, Moore
  S   304  Controlling Generation of Bytecode Files     Montanaro
  S   314  Metadata for Python Software Packages v1.1   Kuchling, Jones
  S   321  Date/Time Parsing and Formatting             Kuchling
  S   323  Copyable Iterators                           Martelli
  S   331  Locale-Independent Float/String Conversions  Reis
  S   334  Simple Coroutines via SuspendIteration       Evans
  S   335  Overloadable Boolean Operators               Ewing
  S   337  Logging Usage in the Standard Library        Dubner
  S   344  Exception Chaining and Embedded Tracebacks   Yee
  S   345  Metadata for Python Software Packages 1.2    Jones
  I   350  Codetags                                     Elliott
  S   354  Enumerations in Python                       Finney
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