On 5/5/06, Tim Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Since I hope we see a lot more of these problems in the future, what
> can be done to ease the pain?  I don't know enough about SVN admin to
> know what might be realistic.  Adding a pile of  "temporary
> committers" comes to mind, but wouldn't really work since people will
> want to keep working on their branches after the sprint ends.  Purely
> local SVN setups wouldn't work either, since sprint projects will
> generally have more than one worker bee, and they need to share code
> changes.  There:  I think that's enough to prove I don't have a clue
> :-)

Is it possible to create a branch in the main Python svn, and grant
commit privs to that branch only, for sprint participants? I seem to
recall  something like mod_authzsvn being involved, but I don't know
much more...

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