This is an elaborate joke, right?

On 6/9/06, Noam Raphael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Recently I discovered that a small change to the Python grammar that
> could help me a lot.
> It's simply this: Currently, the expression "x[]" is a syntax error. I
> suggest that it will be a valid syntax, and equivalent to "x[()]",
> just as "x[a, b]" is equivalent to "x[(a, b)]" right now.
> I discussed this in python-list, and Fredrik Lundh suggested that I
> quickly write a pre-PEP if I want this to go into 2.5. Since I want
> this, I wrote a pre-PEP.
> It's available in the wiki, at
> and I also copied it
> to this message.
> I know that now is really close to 2.5b1, but I thought that perhaps
> there was still a chance for this suggestion getting in, since:
>  * It's a simple change and there's almost nothing to be decided
> except whether to accept it or not.
>  * It has a simple implementation (It was fairly easy for me to
> implement it, and I know almost nothing about the AST).
>  * It causes no backwards compatibilities issues.
> Ok, here's the pre-PEP. Please say what you think about it.
> Have a good day,
> Noam
> Title: Allow Empty Subscript List Without Parentheses
> Version: $Revision$
> Last-Modified: $Date$
> Author: Noam Raphael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Status: Draft
> Type: Standards Track
> Content-Type: text/x-rst
> Created: 09-Jun-2006
> Python-Version: 2.5?
> Post-History: 30-Aug-2002
> Abstract
> ========
> This PEP suggests to allow the use of an empty subscript list, for
> example ``x[]``, which is currently a syntax error. It is suggested
> that in such a case, an empty tuple will be passed as an argument to
> the __getitem__ and __setitem__ methods. This is consistent with the
> current behaviour of passing a tuple with n elements to those methods
> when a subscript list of length n is used, if it includes a comma.
> Specification
> =============
> The Python grammar specifies that inside the square brackets trailing
> an expression, a list of "subscripts", separated by commas, should be
> given. If the list consists of a single subscript without a trailing
> comma, a single object (an ellipsis, a slice or any other object) is
> passed to the resulting __getitem__ or __setitem__ call. If the list
> consists of many subscripts, or of a single subscript with a trailing
> comma, a tuple is passed to the resulting __getitem__ or __setitem__
> call, with an item for each subscript.
> Here is the formal definition of the grammar:
> ::
>     trailer: '(' [arglist] ')' | '[' subscriptlist ']' | '.' NAME
>     subscriptlist: subscript (',' subscript)* [',']
>     subscript: '.' '.' '.' | test | [test] ':' [test] [sliceop]
>     sliceop: ':' [test]
> This PEP suggests to allow an empty subscript list, with nothing
> inside the square brackets. It will result in passing an empty tuple
> to the resulting __getitem__ or __setitem__ call.
> The change in the grammar is to make "subscriptlist" in the first
> quoted line optional:
> ::
>     trailer: '(' [arglist] ')' | '[' [subscriptlist] ']' | '.' NAME
> Motivation
> ==========
> This suggestion allows you to refer to zero-dimensional arrays elegantly. In
> NumPy, you can have arrays with a different number of dimensions. In
> order to refer to a value in a two-dimensional array, you write
> ``a[i, j]``. In order to refer to a value in a one-dimensional array,
> you write ``a[i]``. You can also have a zero-dimensional array, which
> holds a single value (a scalar). To refer to its value, you currently
> need to write ``a[()]``, which is unexpected - the user may not even
> know that when he writes ``a[i, j]`` he constructs a tuple, so he
> won't guess the ``a[()]`` syntax. If the suggestion is accepted, the
> user will be able to write ``a[]`` in order to refer to the value, as
> expected. It will even work without changing the NumPy package at all!
> In the normal use of NumPy, you usually don't encounter
> zero-dimensional arrays. However, the author of this PEP is designing
> another library for managing multi-dimensional arrays of data. Its
> purpose is similar to that of a spreadsheet - to analyze data and
> preserve the relations between a source of a calculation and its
> destination. In such an environment you may have many
> multi-dimensional arrays - for example, the sales of several products
> over several time periods. But you may also have several
> zero-dimensional arrays, that is, single values - for example, the
> income tax rate. It is desired that the access to the zero-dimensional
> arrays will be consistent with the access to the multi-dimensional
> arrays. Just using the name of the zero-dimensional array to obtain
> its value isn't going to work - the array and the value it contains
> have to be distinguished.
> Rationale
> =========
> Passing an empty tuple to the __getitem__ or __setitem__ call was
> chosen because it is consistent with passing a tuple of n elements
> when a subscript list of n elements is used. Also, it will make NumPy
> and similar packages work as expected for zero-dimensional arrays
> without
> any changes.
> Another hint for consistency: Currently, these equivalences hold:
> ::
>     x[i, j, k]  <-->  x[(i, j, k)]
>     x[i, j]     <-->  x[(i, j)]
>     x[i, ]      <-->  x[(i, )]
>     x[i]        <-->  x[(i)]
> If this PEP is accepted, another equivalence will hold:
> ::
>     x[]         <-->  x[()]
> Backwards Compatibility
> =======================
> This change is fully backwards compatible, since it only assigns a
> meaning to a previously illegal syntax.
> Reference Implementation
> ========================
> Available as SF Patch no. 1503556.
> (and also in )
> It passes the Python test suite, but currently doesn't provide
> additional tests or documentation.
> Copyright
> =========
> This document has been placed in the public domain.
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