On Wed, Jun 28, 2006, Collin Winter wrote:
> This may be a stupid question, but we're talking about replacing the
> turtle.py in Lib/lib-tk/, right? The one that's basically just a GUI
> demo / introduction to programming tool?
> If so, can someone explain to me how improving something like this is
> akin to introducing new keywords that everyone will take advantage of
> (to use Josiah's True/False example)?
> While I have no opinion on Gregor's app, and while I fully agree that
> new language features and stdlib modules should generally stay out of
> bug-fix point releases, xturtle doesn't seem to rise to that level
> (and hence, those restrictions).

The problem is that it's a slippery slope.  There is a *LOT* of political
value coming from "no features in bug releases, period".  People feel
that they can rely on Python to stay stable and not have to check what
the actual changes were; it increases the confidence level in bugfix

Either the new turtle module goes in for beta2 (after suitably convincing
the release manager and Guido) or it waits for 2.6.  I don't have a
strong feeling about this issue, though I'm a mild -0 on allowing it.
Nobody can claim there wasn't notice about the beta release date and the
restrictions after it.
Aahz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])           <*>         http://www.pythoncraft.com/

"I saw `cout' being shifted "Hello world" times to the left and stopped
right there."  --Steve Gonedes
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