
On Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 04:49:13PM -0700, Neal Norwitz wrote:
> On 7/4/06, Guido van Rossum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >  From actual users of
> > the language I get more complaints about the breakneck speed of
> > Python's evolution than about the brokenness of the current language.

I'd like to report another (subjective) experience in favor of the
"Python is complete enough already" camp, from last year's EuroPython,
during Guido's keynote.  He announced he accepted two of the major 2.5
PEPs: the 'yield' extension, and I think the 'with' statement.  This
didn't draw much applause.  It certainly gave me the impression that
many changes in Python are advocated and welcomed by only a small
fraction of users.

I cannot be objective here, though, being myself firmly of the
impression that there are only so many syntactic features you can put in
a language before it stops being elegant and starts promoting obscure

> PS.  One thing I tend to talk to users about is stability of the
> interpreter.  When I talk about crashing the interpreter, the most
> common first reaction I get is "you can crash the interpreter? How do
> you do that?"  I take that answer as a good sign. :-)

Indeed :-)  Getting some more python-dev discussions about
Lib/test/crashers/*.py would be nice too, though.

A bientot,

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