-1. I just don't think we should add more operators -- it'll just
cause more question marks on users' faces...


On 8/10/06, Greg Ewing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> > I think it's a warning sign because I *know* what augmented assignment's
> > semantics are supposed to be and I *still* try to use it with setdefault()
> > sometimes -- but only when I'm doing an augmented assignment.  I never
> > mistakenly try to assign to a function call in any other circumstance.
> I think this problem arises because of the dual semantics
> of augmented assignment. One tends to have two *different*
> mental models of what it does, depending on whether the
> object in question is immutable:
>    (1) For immutable objects:
>       x += y  <-->  x = x + y
>    (2) For mutable objects:
>       x += y  <-->  x.__iadd__(y)
> and it's easy to forget that case (2) also happens
> to have the side effect of assigning the result
> back to x, which is usually redundant in the case
> of an immutable object, and thus to slip into the
> error of thinking that
>       x(z) += y  <--->  x(z).__iadd__(y)
> should be a reasonable thing to expect. And in
> the case of a mutable result from x(z), it's
> hard to argue convincingly that it's not
> reasonable.
> As to what this is a warning of, maybe it's that
> the dual semantics were a mistake in the first
> place, and that there really should have been
> two sets of operators, e.g.
>    x += y  <--->   x = x + y      # literally
>    x +: y  <--->   x.__iadd__(y)  # with *no* assignment
> The +: family of operators would then just be
> normal infix operators, not assignments at all,
> and one would be able to say
>    x(z) +: y
> without any trouble (provided the result of x(z)
> were mutable, since immutables would not have
> an __iadd__ method at all).
> Another benefit to this is that the +: operators
> would be usable on objects in an outer scope,
> since they are not assignments and would therefore
> not imply the localness of anything.
> Something to consider for Py3k?
> PS: Why an extra set of operators, rather than
> ordinary methods? One of the motivations for the
> augmented assignment operators was Numeric and the
> desire to be able to express in-place operations
> on arrays concisely. The +: family would fill this
> need.
> PPS: Yes, I know the use of : might be ill-advised.
> It's just an example - any other concise notation
> would do as well.
> --
> Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
> University of Canterbury,          | Carpe post meridiem!                 |
> Christchurch, New Zealand          | (I'm not a morning person.)          |
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]        +--------------------------------------+

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