The release candidate is done - we creep ever closer to 2.5 final. Hoooray!

All future 2.5 releases (including 2.5 final!) will now be done from the new 
release25-maint trunk 
(svn+ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/python/branches/release25-maint) - so any 
changes you want to see after 2.5c1 and before 2.5 final will need to be 
applied to that branch as well as to the trunk. 

>From now until the final release, I think we should say no checkins to the 
release25-maint branch without either myself or Neal signing off on it - for 
safety's sake, I'd recommend you email either the list here, or if you have 
to send private email, send it to both of us. If this policy offends you, 
please reply and let me know what you'd prefer. 

Right now, I don't really care about the trunk - although if you break the 
buildbot, I'm sure Neal will be very cranky at you :-)

Anthony Baxter     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

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