I am considering producing a Python 2.3.6 release, which would of course only be a bug fix maintenance release.  The primary reason is that not all OS distributions have upgraded to Python 2.4 and I think it's worthwhile for us to bless a release that fixes known critical bugs.  I'm willing to be the release manager for 2.3.6, but I'm hoping you all will be able to help identify the most important bugs that need fixing.

First, is there interest in getting a 2.3.6 release out?  I'd propose keeping things simple, by picking a date and releasing what we've got at that date (assuming of course all the unit tests pass).  It's probably a good idea to add a wiki page tracking the fixes we want to get in there.

2.5 final is slated for 12-Sep-2006 and I know that Anthony is planning for a 2.4.4 soon after that.  I'm thinking that we'd try to do a 2.3.6 a couple of weeks after 2.4.4 so that people who care about it aren't stacked up with fixing too many branches at once.  My first thought was to shoot for Monday October 9th.

What are the potential 2.3.6 fixes?  Nothing on this page:


seems critical to me.  I know that I've added some important email package fixes that are already in Subversion.  There are tons of bugs and patches reported against 2.3 in SF (lament: why won't SF just /tell/ me how many there are?), but I have no idea atm which, if any, are important enough to go into a 2.3.6.  I haven't yet done an svn diff to see what changes are already in there.

I don't have the cycles to fix things myself, so it would be up to everyone to help commit fixes.  I'll ride herd a bit if necessary.

Thoughts?  I don't want to waste my time if nobody thinks a 2.3.6 would be useful, but I'm happy to do it if there's community support.  I'll also need the usual help with Windows installers and documentation updates.


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