cool. first time i build the entire interpreter, 'twas fun :)
currently i "retained" support for __members__ and __methods__,
so it doesn't break anything and is compatible with 2.6.

i really hope it will be included in 2.6 as today i'm using ugly hacks
in RPyC to make remote objects appear like local ones.
having __dir__ solves all of my problems.

besides, it makes a lot of sense of define __dir__ for classes that
define __getattr__. i don't think it should be pushed back to py3k.

here's the patch:

here's a demo:
>>> class foo(object):
...     def __dir__(self):
...             return ["kan", "ga", "roo"]
>>> f = foo()
>>> f
< object at 0x00A90C78>
>>> dir()
['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__', 'f', 'foo']
>>> dir(f)
['ga', 'kan', 'roo']
>>> dir(foo)
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__getattribute__
', '__hash__', '__init__', '__module__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__
', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__str__', '__weakref__']
>>> class bar(object):
...     __members__ = ["bow", "wow"]
>>> b=bar()
>>> dir(b)
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__getattribute__', '__hash_
_', '__init__', '__members__', '__module__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_
ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__str__', '__weakref__', 'bow', 'wow']


On 11/6/06, Guido van Rossum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sounds like a good plan, though I'm not sure if it's worth doing in
> 2.6 -- I'd be happy with doing this just in 3k.
> I'm not sure what you mean by "adding a method slot" -- certainly it's
> possible to define a method __foo__ and call it directly without
> having a special tp_foo in the type object, and I recommend doing it
> that way since the tp_foo slots are just there to make things fast; in
> this case I don't see a need for dir() to be fast.
> --Guido
> On 11/6/06, tomer filiba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > so, if you remember, i suggested adding __dir__ to objects, so as to make
> > dir() customizable, remove the deprecated __methods__ and __members__,
> > and make it symmetrical to other built-in functions.
> >
> > you can see the original post here:
> >
> > which was generally accepted by the forum:
> >
> >
> > so i went on, now that i have some spare time, to research the issue.
> > the current dir() works as follows:
> > (*) builtin_dir calls PyObject_Dir to do the trick
> > (*) if the object is NULL (dir with no argument), return the frame's locals
> > (*) if the object is a *module*, we're just using it's __dict__
> > (*) if the object is a *type*, we're using it's __dict__ and __bases__,
> > but not __class__ (so as not to show the metaclass)
> > (*) otherwise, it's a "normal object", so we take it's __dict__, along with
> > __methods__, __members__, and dir(__class__)
> > (*) create a list of keys from the dict, sort, return
> >
> > we'll have to change that if we were to introduce __dir__. my design is:
> > (*) builtin_dir, if called without an argument, returns the frame's locals
> > (*) otherwise, it calls PyObject_Dir(self), which would dispatch 
> > self.__dir__()
> > (*) if `self` doesn't have __dir__, default to object.__dir__(self)
> > (*) the default object.__dir__ implementation would do the same as
> > today: collect __dict__, __members__, __methods__, and dir(__class__).
> > by py3k, we'll remove looking into __methods__ and __members__.
> > (*) type objects and module objects would implement __dir__ to their
> > liking (as PyObject_Dir does today)
> > (*) builtin_dir would take care of sorting the list returned by PyObject_Dir
> >
> > so first i'd want you people to react on my design, maybe you'd find
> > flaws whatever. also, should this become a PEP?
> >
> > and last, how do i add a new method slot? does it mean i need to
> > change all type-object definitions throughout the codebase?
> > do i add it to some protocol? or directly to the "object protocol"?
> >
> >
> > -tomer
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