On 1/19/07, M.-A. Lemburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2007-01-19 22:33, Brett Cannon wrote:
> >> That's a typical error situation you get in __del__ methods at
> >> the time the interpreter is shut down.
> >>
> >
> > Yeah, but in this case this is at the end of Py_Initialize() for the
> > stuff I am doing to the interpreter.  =)
> Is that in some error branch of Py_Initialize() ? Otherwise
> I don't see how the modules could get garbage-collected.

Nope, it's code I am adding to clean out sys.modules of stuff the user
didn't import themselves; it's for security reasons.

> >> I'm not exactly sure which global state you are referring to. The
> >> aliase map, the cache used by the search function ?
> >>
> >
> > encodings._cache .
> >
> >> Note that the search function registry is a global managed
> >> in the thread state (it's not stored in any module).
> >>
> >
> > Right, but that is not the issue.  If you have deleted the reference
> > to the encodings module from sys.modules it then sets encodings._cache
> > to None.  After the deletion, if you try to encode/decode a unicode
> > string you can an AttributeError about how encodings._cache does not
> > have a 'get' method since it is now None instead of a dict.  The
> > function is fine and still runs, it's just that the global state it
> > depends on is no longer the way it assume it should be.
> While I could add some tricks to have the cache dictionary stay
> alive even after the globals were set to None, I doubt that this
> will really fix the problem.
> The encoding package relies on the import mechanism, the codecs
> module and the _codecs builtin module. Any of these could fail
> to work depending on the order in which the modules get
> GCed.
> There's a reason why things in Py_Finalize() are as carefully
> ordered :-) Perhaps we need to apply some reordering to the
> steps in Py_Initialize() ?!

Nah, I just  need to not delete the modules.  =)

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