On 1/24/07, "Martin v. Löwis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Gustavo Carneiro schrieb:
>    What about http://www.python.org/sf/1564547 ?  It tries to solve a
> different problem, but I think it also fixes this one; at least as much
> as possible with the braindead unix signal programming interface...

I'm sceptical. It is way too much code for me to review, so I'm unable
to comment whether it fixes the problem under discussion.

 Due to a bug, my patch  didn't fix this bug.  But I fixed the patch and it
now fixes both my problem and Ulisses'.

I feel that
this problem should find a much simpler solution.

  The problem is that if you apply Ulisses' patch then my patch, Ulisses'
changes will simply disappear because my patch handles signals and a much
safer way, completely bypassing the 'add/make pending calls' system, since
this system is patently *not* async safe, no matter how much you tweak it.

 Yes, I know my patch is not very small (though not that big either), but
the signal module was in dire need of refactoring.  And you can observe how
much simpler the signal module becomes after that patch.


Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
"The universe is always one step beyond logic."
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