On 16 Feb, 06:30 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>I suggest it is possible to implement a PerfectReactor.

I don't think this constitutes a sufficient existence proof.  Perhaps you could 
write a prototype?  There are a bunch of existing reactors you could either 
import or copy/paste from to bootstrap it, so you wouldn't necessarily need to 
do many of the platform-specific hacks it has already implemented for those 

Personally I am highly skeptical that this is possible, and I didn't find any 
of your arguments convincing, but I would be ecstatic if it worked; it isn't 
*fun* maintaining 12 or so subtly incompatible implementations of the same 
interface :).

I also think this discussion would be more appropriate to continue on the 
Twisted list, as we have veered pretty far afield of stdlib enhancements and 
are now talking about multiplexing method implementations, but I'll follow it 
wherever it continues.
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