On 2/25/07, Neil Schemenauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Neal Norwitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The time schedules in PEP 361 (2.6 release schedule) and what Guido
> > has said for 3k (from what I remember) are roughly:
> >
> >   April 2007 - 3.0 PEPs and features accepted/decided
> >  June 2007 - 3.0a1 - basic (most) features implemented
> Any talk at PyCon regarding the new IO system?  That looks like the
> biggest piece of unfinished Py3k work.

AFAIK, there hasn't been any work on the new IO system or str/unicode
unification.  Guido asked for help on these, but I don't know if there
were any takers.  Sprints will be held over the next several days, so
hopefully there will be some work in these areas.

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