Oh, one more thing. Perhaps we should rename it, like the other PEPs
still active slated for inclusion in Py3k (and backporting to 2.6)?


On 7/5/07, Guido van Rossum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I see no big problems with this, except I wonder if in the end it
> wouldn't be better to *always* define __package_name__ instead of only
> when it's in main? And then perhaps rename it to __package__? Done
> properly it could always be used for relative imports, rather than
> parsing __module__ to find the package. Then you won't even need the
> error handler.
> FWIW, I find the PEP is rather wordy for such a simple proposal (it
> took me more time to find the proposal than to understand it :-).
> --Guido
> On 7/4/07, Nick Coghlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > A c.l.p discussion referenced from Python-URL just brought this topic
> > back to my attention, and with the relatively low traffic on the
> > development lists in the last few days, it seemed like a good time to
> > repost this PEP (it vanished beneath the Unicode identifier discussion
> > last time).
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Nick.
> >
> >
> > PEP: 366
> > Title: Main module explicit relative imports
> > Version: $Revision: 56172 $
> > Last-Modified: $Date: 2007-07-04 22:47:13 +1000 (Wed, 04 Jul 2007) $
> > Author: Nick Coghlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Status: Draft
> > Type: Standards Track
> > Content-Type: text/x-rst
> > Created: 1-May-2007
> > Python-Version: 2.6
> > Post-History: 1-May-2007
> >
> >
> > Abstract
> > ========
> >
> > This PEP proposes a backwards compatible mechanism that permits
> > the use of explicit relative imports from executable modules within
> > packages. Such imports currently fail due to an awkward interaction
> > between PEP 328 and PEP 338 - this behaviour is the subject of at
> > least one open SF bug report (#1510172)[1], and has most likely
> > been a factor in at least a few queries on comp.lang.python (such
> > as Alan Isaac's question in [2]).
> >
> > With the proposed mechanism, relative imports will work automatically
> > if the module is executed using the ``-m`` switch. A small amount of
> > boilerplate will be needed in the module itself to allow the relative
> > imports to work when the file is executed by name.
> >
> >
> > Import Statements and the Main Module
> > =====================================
> >
> > (This section is taken from the final revision of PEP 338)
> >
> > The release of 2.5b1 showed a surprising  (although obvious in
> > retrospect) interaction between PEP 338 and PEP 328 - explicit
> > relative imports don't work from a main module. This is due to
> > the fact that relative imports rely on ``__name__`` to determine
> > the current module's position in the package hierarchy. In a main
> > module, the value of ``__name__`` is always ``'__main__'``, so
> > explicit relative imports will always fail (as they only work for
> > a module inside a package).
> >
> > Investigation into why implicit relative imports *appear* to work when
> > a main module is executed directly but fail when executed using ``-m``
> > showed that such imports are actually always treated as absolute
> > imports. Because of the way direct execution works, the package
> > containing the executed module is added to sys.path, so its sibling
> > modules are actually imported as top level modules. This can easily
> > lead to multiple copies of the sibling modules in the application if
> > implicit relative imports are used in modules that may be directly
> > executed (e.g. test modules or utility scripts).
> >
> > For the 2.5 release, the recommendation is to always use absolute
> > imports in any module that is intended to be used as a main module.
> > The ``-m`` switch already provides a benefit here, as it inserts the
> > current directory into ``sys.path``, instead of the directory containing
> > the main module. This means that it is possible to run a module from
> > inside a package using ``-m`` so long as the current directory contains
> > the top level directory for the package. Absolute imports will work
> > correctly even if the package isn't installed anywhere else on
> > sys.path. If the module is executed directly and uses absolute imports
> > to retrieve its sibling modules, then the top level package directory
> > needs to be installed somewhere on sys.path (since the current directory
> > won't be added automatically).
> >
> > Here's an example file layout::
> >
> >      devel/
> >          pkg/
> >              __init__.py
> >              moduleA.py
> >              moduleB.py
> >              test/
> >                  __init__.py
> >                  test_A.py
> >                  test_B.py
> >
> > So long as the current directory is ``devel``, or ``devel`` is already
> > on ``sys.path`` and the test modules use absolute imports (such as
> > ``import pkg.moduleA`` to retrieve the module under test, PEP 338
> > allows the tests to be run as::
> >
> >      python -m pkg.test.test_A
> >      python -m pkg.test.test_B
> >
> > Rationale for Change
> > ====================
> >
> > In rejecting PEP 3122 (which proposed a higher impact solution to this
> > problem), Guido has indicated that he still isn't particularly keen on
> > the idea of executing modules inside packages as scripts [2]. Despite
> > these misgivings he has previously approved the addition of the ``-m``
> > switch in Python 2.4, and the ``runpy`` module based enhancements
> > described in PEP 338 for Python 2.5.
> >
> > The philosophy that motivated those previous additions (i.e. access to
> > utility or testing scripts without needing to worry about name clashes in
> > either the OS executable namespace or the top level Python namespace) is
> > also the motivation behind fixing what I see as a bug in the current
> > implementation.
> >
> > This PEP is intended to provide a solution which permits explicit
> > relative imports from main modules, without incurring any significant
> > costs during interpreter startup or normal module import.
> >
> >
> > Proposed Solution
> > =================
> >
> > The heart of the proposed solution is a new module attribute
> > ``__package_name__``. This attribute will be defined only in
> > the main module (i.e. modules where ``__name__ == "__main__"``).
> >
> > For a directly executed main module, this attribute will be set
> > to the empty string. For a module executed using
> > ``runpy.run_module()`` with the ``run_name`` parameter set to
> > ``"__main__"``, the attribute will be set to
> > ``mod_name.rpartition('.')[0]`` (i.e., everything up to
> > but not including the last period).
> >
> > In the import machinery there is an error handling path which
> > deals with the case where an explicit relative reference attempts
> > to go higher than the top level in the package hierarchy. This
> > error path would be changed to fall back on the ``__package_name__``
> > attribute for explicit relative imports when the importing module
> > is called ``"__main__"``.
> >
> > With this change, explicit relative imports will work automatically
> > from a script executed with the ``-m`` switch. To allow direct
> > execution of the module, the following boilerplate would be needed at
> > the top of the script::
> >
> >    if __name__ == "__main__" and not __package_name__:
> >        __package_name__ = "<expected_pkg_name>"
> >
> > Note that this boilerplate is sufficient only if the top level package
> > is already accessible via sys.path. Additional code that manipulates
> > sys.path would be needed in order for direct execution to work
> > without the top level package already being on sys.path.
> >
> > This approach also has the same disadvantage as the use of absolute
> > imports of sibling modules - if the script is moved to a different
> > package or subpackage, the boilerplate will need to be updated
> > manually.
> >
> > With this feature in place, the test scripts in the package above
> > would be able to change their import lines to something along the
> > lines of ``import ..moduleA``. The scripts could then be
> > executed unmodified even if the name of the package was changed.
> >
> > (Rev 47142 in SVN implemented an early variant of this proposal
> > which stored the main module's real module name in the
> > '__module_name__' attribute. It was reverted due to the fact
> > that 2.5 was already in beta by that time.)
> >
> >
> > Alternative Proposals
> > =====================
> >
> > PEP 3122 proposed addressing this problem by changing the way
> > the main module is identified. That's a huge compatibility cost
> > to incur to fix something that is a pretty minor bug in the overall
> > scheme of things.
> >
> > The advantage of the proposal in this PEP is that its only impact on
> > normal code is the tiny amount of time needed at startup to set the extra
> > attribute in the main module. The changes to the import machinery are all
> > in an existing error handling path, so normal imports don't incur any
> > performance penalty at all.
> >
> >
> > References
> > ==========
> >
> > .. [1] Absolute/relative import not working?
> >     (http://www.python.org/sf/1510172)
> >
> > .. [2] Guido's rejection of PEP 3122
> >     (http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-April/006793.html)
> >
> > .. [3] c.l.p. question about modules and relative imports
> >
> > (http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/browse_thread/thread/c44c769a72ca69fa/)
> >
> > Copyright
> > =========
> >
> > This document has been placed in the public domain.
> >
> > --
> > Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------
> >              http://www.boredomandlaziness.org
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> --
> --Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)
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