On Fri, Jul 13, 2007, Chris Monson wrote:
> Certainly java won't let you specify -jar more than once, because that
> would be telling it to *run* two files.  It *will*, however, let you
> specify more than one jar in the classpath.  This is done all the
> time, making the contents of those jars available for importing.
> These aren't typically combined, since the whole point of running a
> jar file is to have a single distributed package, but IIRC it is not
> prohibited.

Actually, I do regularly use both classpath and -jar with java because
I'm running a .jar file that does not contain "the world".  OTOH, this
is a development environment rather than a production environment, so
theoretically I could just shove everything into the .jar file -- but I
don't because that adds more time to the compile/link/jarjarjar cycle.
Aahz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])           <*>         http://www.pythoncraft.com/

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