On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 14:13:47 -0500, Justin Tulloss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Your idea can be combined with the maxint/2 initial refcount for
>> non-disposable objects, which should about eliminate thread-count updates
>> for them.
>> --
> I don't really like the maxint/2 idea because it requires us to
>differentiate between globals and everything else. Plus, it's a hack. I'd
>like a more elegant solution if possible.

It's not really a solution either.  If your program runs for a couple
minutes and then exits, maybe it won't trigger some catastrophic behavior
from this hack, but if you have a long running process then you're almost
certain to be screwed over by this (it wouldn't even have to be *very*
long running - a month or two could do it on a 32bit platform).

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