2007/11/21, "Martin v. Löwis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Help in administrating the roundup installation is urgently desired;
> there is currently no active maintenance of this site (which makes me
> wonder whether we should have used Jira instead of roundup, as the
> company offering it had also offered hosting and active maintenance)
> FWIW, help in adminstration is desired for *all* hosts on *.python.org
> (web, mailing lists, PyPI, ...)

Is somewhere the description of these hosts? Are they debian, solaris,
or what? Which web server do they have? Etc.

This way, we can search for help in our sysadmins friends.

Better: if you have a description, I'd post a request for help in the
Python Argentina list.


.    Facundo

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