On 2008-03-02 23:11, Greg Ewing wrote:
> M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> Why not also make unicode() the default type constructor and only
>> keep str() as alias to simplify porting (perhaps with a warning) ?
> -1 on making us type 7 characters instead of
> 3 all over the place.

Oh well... how about "text()" ?

>> The term "string" is just too overloaded with all kinds of
>> misinterpretations. The term "string" just refers to a string of
>> bytes - a variable length array so to speak.
> I disagree -- "string" has come to mean "string of
> characters" unless otherwise qualified. Using one
> to hold non-characters is just an aberration that
> was necessary in Python 2 because there wasn't much
> alternative.

Buffer objects have been around for years and for exactly
this purpose.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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