>  Not quite. Items don't automatically end up on a hot list; they must
>  explicitly be put on one. I'm not sure how you'd simulate this via
>  saved searches. Maybe a combination of a custom keyword *and* a saved
>  search would help. However this doesn't scale so well, because
>  keywords show up in everybody's UI. Hot lists are only visible to
>  users who care to subscribe to them.

It would be relatively easy to implement this directly in roundup.
IIUC, there should be a hotlist object, and either
a) an issue has a multilink to multiple hotlists, or
b) a hotlist has a multilink to multiple issues.

I cannot envision the "add to hotlist" user interface, though.
It should be possible to add an issue to a hotlist from the issue's
page, right? So would a comma-separated list be reasonable? (with
a popup menu to checkmark hotlists)

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