On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 11:43 AM, Neal Norwitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 11:17 AM, John Millikin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > > Possible features for 2.6
>  >  >     New modules in the standard library:
>  >  >         - JSON implementation
>  >  >
>  >  Have there been any plans made for which one? All of the
>  No.  This was something I added as a nice to have for 2.6.

I'd like to tentatively elevate it to a must have. There has been
overwhelming support for this on web-sig.

>  >  implementations I'm aware of (cjson, simplejson, jsonlib, demjson,
>  >  python-json) have serious issues that in my opinion should be fixed
>  >  before inclusion in the standard library[1]. I am the author of
>  >  jsonlib, and am willing to write patches for whichever implementation
>  >  becomes the standard, but it would be very nice to know what to focus
>  >  on.
>  I'm not familiar enough with any of the libraries to comment.  If it's
>  premature to add a particular implementation, that's fine, we can
>  wait.

On web-sig, the overwhelming majority wants simplejson, since that's
the API they already use. (All current web frameworks use it.)

>  >  Apologies if this has been discussed already, but there was no link to
>  >  a PEP in 361 and a search of python-dev and c.l.p returned no relevant
>  >  results.
>  I don't believe it has been discussed before.  I've changed the
>  subject and would like to discuss this now.
>  It would be great if you could pull together and get the community
>  behind a single solution that is robust enough to include in the
>  stdlib.  If that an be finished for 2.6, great.  If it waits for 2.7,
>  that would still be fine.

This is happening on web-sig as we speak.


>  n
>  >
>  >  [1]
>  >  * cjson and python-json have almost complete absense of Unicode support.
>  >  * simplejson is slow and writes incorrect unicode escapes.
>  >  * demjson is far too forgiving when parsing and accepts all sorts of
>  >  invalid input.
>  >  * jsonlib is not PEP 8-compliant and has terrible error handling.
>  >  * python-json is abandoned, slow, and lacks Unicode support.
>  >
>  >
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