On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 3:15 AM, Thomas Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I've been working on optimization of the AST, including the porting of the
> old bytecode-level optimizations to the AST level. A few questions have come
> up in the process of doing this, all of which are probably appropriate for
> discussion on this list. The code I'm referring to here can be found in the
> tlee-ast-optimize branch. Most of the relevant code is in Python/optimize.c
> and Python/peephole.c.
>  Nearly all of the bytecode-level optimizations have been moved to the AST
> optimizer with a few exceptions. Most of those waiting to be ported are
> stuck in limbo due to the fact we can't yet inject arbitrary PyObject
> constants into the AST. Examples are tuples of constants and the
> optimization of "LOAD_GLOBAL/LOAD_NAME None" as "LOAD_CONST None".
>  This leaves us with a few options:
>  1. A new AST expr node for constant values for types other than Str/Num
>  I imagine this to be something like Const(PyObject* v), which is
> effectively translated to a "LOAD_CONST v" by the compiler. This trades the
> purity of the AST for a little practicality. A "Const" node has no real
> source representation, it would exist solely for the purpose of injecting
> PyObject constants into the AST.

Slight issue with this is that people like Jython are standardizing on
our AST, so adding to it does up their burden if they have no use for

>  2. Allow arbitrary annotations to be applied to the AST as compiler hints.
>  For example, each AST node might have an optional dict that contains a set
> of annotation values. Then when traversing the AST, the compiler might do
> something along the lines of:
>  if (expr->annotations) {
>   PyObject* constvalue = PyDict_GetItemString(expr->annotations,
> "constantvalue");
>   if (constvalue)
>    ADDOP_O(c, LOAD_CONST, constvalue, consts)
>   else
>    VISIT(c, expr, expr)
>  }
>  This is a more general solution if we want to keep other compiler hints
> down the track, but unless somebody can think of another use case this is
> probably overkill.

Possibly, but the AST stuff is so new who knows if it truly will be
overkill or not down the road. I personally prefer this approach.

>  3. Keep these particular optimizations at the bytecode level.
>  It would be great to be able to perform the optimizations at a higher
> level, but this would require no effort at all. This would mean two passes
> over the same code at two different levels.

This might end up being the case, but I would rather avoid the
overhead if possible. The question becomes how many other possible
optimizations might come up that would only work reasonably at the
bytecode level.

And you forgot option 4): ditching the optimizations that only work on
the bytecode. I am not advocating this, but it is an option.

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