Gregory P. Smith wrote:

On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 1:32 AM, Ulrich Berning
As long as the ctypes extension doesn't build on major Un*x platforms (AIX,
HP-UX), I don't like to see ctypes dependend modules included into the
stdlib. Please keep the stdlib as portable as possible.

Nice in theory but ctypes already works on at least the top 3 popular
platforms.  Lets not hold Python's stdlib back because nobody who uses
IBM and HP proprietary stuff has contributed the necessary support.
Making nice libraries available for other platforms is a good way to
encourage people to either pitch in and add support or consider their
platform choices in the future.


It's not my platform choice, it's the choice of our customers. I'm not using these platforms just for fun (in fact it isn't fun compared to Linux or Windows).

If porting libffi to AIX, HP-UX, IRIX, Solaris... (especially using vendor compilers) would be an easy job, I'm sure it would have been done already. If more and more essential packages depend on ctypes, we should make a clear statement, that Python isn't supported any longer on platform/compiler combinations where libffi/ctypes doesn't build. This would give me arguments to drop support of our software on those platforms.


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