2008/5/24 techtonik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Does anyone would like to include Curses support in Windows from version
> 2.6?

I'd like to see this, although it's hardly crucial for me - however,
"from version 2.6" may be unrealistic at this point.

> It works ok already using the patch from issue #2889 and PDCurses library,
> but needs expertise of core developers to integrate the patch into the build
> system, add library to externals to ship next windows Python with embedded
> curses support.

One other option would be to pull out the core curses module as an
external project (maybe called "pdcurses"), link it with pdcurses and
provide Windows binaries - then developers who cared could do

    import curses
except ImportError:
    import pdcurses as curses

> I would really like to see this as release blocker, because the problem
> raised once in a while in the past and the windows people who are interested
> in getting console interface tools usually lack the knowledge of unix
> platform to do the task.

No way it's a release blocker - we've lasted this long without it so
it's in no way essential for 2.6.

> P.S. It is all about cross-platform roguelikes and text-mode players in
> Python

Cross-platform any sort of console interface more complex than
stdin/stdout. But such interfaces are increasingly rare these days...

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