On 2008-06-02 01:30, Gregory P. Smith wrote:
On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 1:37 AM, M.-A. Lemburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sorry, I probably wasn't clear enough:

Why can't we have both PyString *and* PyBytes exposed as C
APIs (ie. visible in code and in the linker) in 2.x, with one redirecting
to the other ?

* Why should the 2.x code base turn to hacks, just because 3.x wants
to restructure itself ?
With the better explanation from Greg of what the checked in approach
achieves (i.e. preserving exact ABI compatibility for PyString_*, while
allowing PyBytes_* to be used at the source code level), I don't see what
has been done as being any more of a hack than the possibly more common
"#define <oldname> <newname>" (which *would* break binary compatibility).

The only things that I think would tidy it up further would be to:
- include an explanation of the approach and its effects on API and ABI
backward and forward compatibility within 2.x and between 2.x and 3.x in
- expose the PyBytes_* functions to the linker in 2.6 as well as 3.0
Which is what I was suggesting all along; sorry if I wasn't
clear enough on that.

The standard approach is that you provide #define redirects from the
old APIs to the new ones (which are then picked up by the compiler)
*and* add function wrappers to the same affect (to make linkers,
dynamic load APIs such ctypes and debuggers happy).

Example from pythonrun.h|c:

/* Use macros for a bunch of old variants */
#define PyRun_String(str, s, g, l) PyRun_StringFlags(str, s, g, l, NULL)

/* Deprecated C API functions still provided for binary compatiblity */

#undef PyRun_String
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *)
PyRun_String(const char *str, int s, PyObject *g, PyObject *l)
       return PyRun_StringFlags(str, s, g, l, NULL);

Okay, how about this?  http://codereview.appspot.com/1521

Using that patch, both PyString_ and PyBytes_ APIs are available using
function stubs similar to the above.  I opted to define the stub
functions right next to the ones they were stubbing rather than
putting them all at the end of the file or in another file but they
could be moved if someone doesn't like them that way.

Thanks. I was working on a similar patch. Looks like you beat
me to it.

The only thing I'm not sure about is having the wrappers in the
same file - this is likely to cause merge conflicts when doing
direct merging and even with an automated renaming approach,
the extra code would be easier to remove if it were e.g. at
the end of the file or even better: in a separate file.

My patch worked slightly differently: it adds wrappers PyString*
that forward calls to the PyBytes* APIs and they all live in
stringobject.c. stringobject.h then also provides aliases
so that recompiled extensions pick up the new API names.

While working on my patch I ran into an issue that I haven't
been able to resolve: the wrapper functions got optimized away
by the linker and even though they appear in the libpython2.6.a,
they don't end up in the python binary itself.

As a result, importing Python 2.5 in the resulting 2.6
binary still fails with a unresolved PyString symbol.

Please check whether that's the case for your patch as well.

I still believe that we should *not* make "easy of merging" the
primary motivation for backporting changes in 3.x to 2.x. Software
design should not be guided by restrictions in the tool chain,
if not absolutely necessary.

The main argument for a backport needs to be general usefulness
to the 2.x users, IMHO... just like any other feature that
makes it into 2.x.

If merging is difficult then this needs to be addressed, but
there are more options to that than always going back to the
original 2.x trunk code. I've given a few suggestions on how
this could be approached in other emails on this thread.

I am not the one doing the merging or working on merge tools so I'll
leave this up to those that are.

I'm not sure whether there are any specific merge tools around -
apart from the 2to3.py script.

There also doesn't seem to be any documentation on the merge
process itself (at least nothing that Google can find in the
PEPs), so it's difficult to make any suggestions.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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