On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 3:51 PM, Barry Warsaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> We are going to postpone the first beta releases by one week.  We had some
> problems with mail.python.org today, which prompted a query to Guido from me
> about the postponement.  mail.python.org should now be back up normally now,
> as evidenced by the emailfloodl but in the meantime, Guido said:
> "I'd also like to see PEP 3138 (CJK-friendly repr()) and the
> pyprocessing PEP implemented by then, and perhaps some other small
> stuff."
> So we're going to do the first beta releases next Wednesday, June 11.
>  Please take this time to stabilize all APIs and features, both in Python
> and C.  Next week, I'll do a gut check on critical and release blocker bugs,
> so please also take a look at those and try to fix what you can.

Now is as good a time as any to mention that on Wednesday I am flying
out to help my mother move. I don't know when she is going to have her
Internet connection set up, so I might not be back online until June
16. But thanks to all the help I have been receiving on PEP 3108, I
trust the various people involved to continue to do the right thing in
my absence.

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