On 2008-07-03 19:21, Adam Olsen wrote:
On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 7:57 AM, M.-A. Lemburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 2008-07-03 15:21, Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven wrote:
-On [20080703 15:00], M.-A. Lemburg ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
Unicode if full of combining code points - if you break such a sequence,
the output will be just as wrong; regardless of UCS2 vs. UCS4.
In my opinion you are confusing two related, but very separated things
Combining characters have nothing to do with breaking up the encoding of a
single codepoint. Sure enough, if you arbitrary slice up codepoints that
consist of combining characters then your result is indeed odd looking.

I never said that nor is that the point I am making.
Please remember that lone surrogate pair code points are perfectly
valid Unicode code points, nevertheless. Just as a lone combining
code point is valid on its own.

That is a big part of these problems.  For all practical purposes, a
surrogate is like a UTF-8 code unit, and must be handled the same way,
so why the heck do they confuse everybody by saying "oh, it's a code
point too!"?

You have to take that up with the Unicode consortium :-)

It would have been better not to add surrogates to the standard
at all. To be fair, I don't think that anybody seriously assumed
at the time that more than 16 bits would be needed.

In practice, you do need to be able to build Unicode strings
that contain half a surrogate (ie. a single code point) or
a combining code point without its anchor code point, so trying
to be smart about detecting surrogates is going to create more
confusion than do good, e.g.

>>> x1 = u'\udbc0'
>>> x2 = u'\udc00'
>>> x1
>>> x2
>>> len(x1)
>>> len(x2)

Having len(x1+x2) == 1 wouldn't be right and break all sorts
of assumptions you normally make about string concatenation.
Which is why len(x1+x2) gives 2 in both UCS2 and UCS4 builds.

The fact that u'\U00100000' can map to a length 1 Unicode string
in UCS4 builds and a length 2 string in UCS2 builds is merely
due to the fact that the unicode-escape codec (which converts
the escaped string literal to a Unicode object) does know about
surrogates and uses them to avoid exceptions.

Programmers need to be aware of this fact, that's all...
just like they need to aware of differences between
integer and float division, different behavior of classic
and new-style classes, etc. etc.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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