On Thu, 31 Jul 2008 03:01:42 pm Sumant Gupta wrote:
> Hi
> I have a problem reading very large text file.
> When I call the len function to get the total lines in python file.i
> get memory error . I am reading the list of files in a loop ,2 files
> are read properly but when the third file is read , It gives an
> memory error .

I'm not completely sure, but I think that means you're out of memory.

If you have an actual question, I think you would be better off posting 
to the comp.lang.python newsgroup. This mailing list is for development 
of the Python compiler, not for writing Python programs.

I'll save you some time: when you post to comp.lang.python, you should 
post the actual error message you get, and the code that fails.

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