On Sat, 13 Sep 2008 08:03:50 -0400, "A.M. Kuchling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Three weeks ago, Antoine Pitrou posted the pybench results
for 2.6 trunk:

The big discovery in those results were TryExcept being 48% slower,
but there was a patch in the bug tracker to improve things.  I've
re-run the tests to check the results.

Disclaimer: these results are probably not directly comparable.
Antoine was using a "32-bit Linux installation on an Athlon 3600+ X2";
I'm on a Macbook.

Good news: TryExcept is now only 10% slower than 2.5, not 48%.

Bad news: the big slowdowns are:

                CompareFloats:   117ms    98ms  +19.2%   118ms    99ms  +19.0%
              CompareIntegers:   110ms   104ms   +5.6%   110ms   105ms   +4.9%
           DictWithStringKeys:   118ms   105ms  +12.8%   133ms   108ms  +22.7%
               NestedForLoops:   125ms   116ms   +7.7%   127ms   118ms   +8.0%
                    Recursion:   193ms   159ms  +21.5%   197ms   163ms  +20.8%
                 SecondImport:   139ms   129ms   +8.4%   143ms   130ms   +9.9%
          SecondPackageImport:   150ms   139ms   +8.6%   152ms   140ms   +8.1%
        SecondSubmoduleImport:   211ms   191ms  +10.5%   214ms   195ms   +9.4%
      SimpleComplexArithmetic:   130ms   119ms   +9.4%   131ms   120ms   +9.2%

I see similar results for some of these.  The complete results from a run
on an AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+ are attached.


* using CPython 2.6rc1 (trunk:66421M, Sep 12 2008, 21:05:52) [GCC 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 
* disabled garbage collection
* system check interval set to maximum: 2147483647
* using timer: time.time

Benchmark: p26.pybench

    Rounds: 10
    Warp:   10
    Timer:  time.time

    Machine Details:
       Platform ID:    Linux-2.6.24-19-generic-i686-with-debian-lenny-sid
       Implementation: CPython
       Executable:     /home/exarkun/Projects/python/trunk//python
       Version:        2.6.0
       Compiler:       GCC 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu7)
       Bits:           32bit
       Build:          Sep 12 2008 21:05:52 (#trunk:66421M)
       Unicode:        UCS2

Comparing with: p25.pybench

    Rounds: 10
    Warp:   10
    Timer:  time.time

    Machine Details:
       Platform ID:    Linux-2.6.24-19-generic-i686-with-debian-lenny-sid
       Implementation: n/a
       Version:        2.5.3a0
       Compiler:       GCC 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu7)
       Bits:           32bit
       Build:          Sep 13 2008 09:32:41 (#release25-maint:66444)
       Unicode:        UCS2

Test                             minimum run-time        average  run-time
                                 this    other   diff    this    other   diff
          BuiltinFunctionCalls:   178ms   187ms   -4.5%   184ms   193ms   -4.6%
           BuiltinMethodLookup:   151ms   165ms   -8.5%   155ms   167ms   -7.2%
                 CompareFloats:   150ms   146ms   +2.9%   153ms   150ms   +1.9%
         CompareFloatsIntegers:   143ms   147ms   -2.8%   150ms   150ms   +0.4%
               CompareIntegers:   180ms   182ms   -1.0%   182ms   190ms   -4.3%
        CompareInternedStrings:   159ms   160ms   -1.1%   163ms   166ms   -2.0%
                  CompareLongs:   135ms   136ms   -0.7%   136ms   139ms   -1.5%
                CompareStrings:   142ms   150ms   -5.4%   146ms   153ms   -4.5%
                CompareUnicode:   148ms   135ms   +9.6%   151ms   137ms  +10.6%
    ComplexPythonFunctionCalls:   155ms   226ms  -31.4%   158ms   229ms  -30.9%
                 ConcatStrings:   197ms   203ms   -2.8%   202ms   215ms   -6.4%
                 ConcatUnicode:   179ms   168ms   +6.6%   182ms   184ms   -0.8%
               CreateInstances:   159ms   157ms   +1.4%   162ms   161ms   +0.7%
            CreateNewInstances:   119ms   141ms  -15.4%   121ms   144ms  -16.2%
       CreateStringsWithConcat:   189ms   173ms   +9.3%   195ms   177ms  +10.2%
       CreateUnicodeWithConcat:   116ms   113ms   +2.3%   118ms   115ms   +2.6%
                  DictCreation:   109ms   140ms  -22.2%   112ms   143ms  -21.8%
             DictWithFloatKeys:   202ms   199ms   +1.6%   208ms   204ms   +1.6%
           DictWithIntegerKeys:   158ms   156ms   +1.0%   161ms   159ms   +1.1%
            DictWithStringKeys:   147ms   148ms   -0.6%   158ms   151ms   +4.9%
                      ForLoops:   156ms   155ms   +1.0%   160ms   157ms   +1.9%
                    IfThenElse:   149ms   151ms   -1.3%   152ms   154ms   -0.9%
                   ListSlicing:   104ms   104ms   -0.3%   108ms   107ms   +0.6%
                NestedForLoops:   176ms   174ms   +0.8%   180ms   177ms   +1.8%
          NormalClassAttribute:   160ms   161ms   -0.8%   165ms   164ms   +0.3%
       NormalInstanceAttribute:   142ms   140ms   +1.2%   145ms   142ms   +1.5%
           PythonFunctionCalls:   152ms   139ms   +8.7%   153ms   142ms   +7.8%
             PythonMethodCalls:   166ms   167ms   -0.7%   169ms   171ms   -0.8%
                     Recursion:   239ms   210ms  +13.9%   243ms   213ms  +13.9%
                  SecondImport:   113ms   107ms   +4.9%   115ms   110ms   +4.3%
           SecondPackageImport:   115ms   109ms   +5.7%   118ms   112ms   +4.8%
         SecondSubmoduleImport:   143ms   141ms   +1.6%   147ms   145ms   +1.5%
       SimpleComplexArithmetic:   146ms   136ms   +7.0%   148ms   140ms   +5.8%
        SimpleDictManipulation:   158ms   158ms   -0.2%   161ms   162ms   -0.5%
         SimpleFloatArithmetic:   145ms   144ms   +0.6%   148ms   148ms   +0.1%
      SimpleIntFloatArithmetic:   130ms   130ms   -0.5%   133ms   134ms   -0.8%
       SimpleIntegerArithmetic:   131ms   131ms   +0.1%   134ms   134ms   -0.1%
        SimpleListManipulation:   137ms   137ms   +0.0%   140ms   140ms   -0.2%
          SimpleLongArithmetic:   141ms   137ms   +2.3%   144ms   142ms   +1.7%
                    SmallLists:   138ms   140ms   -1.6%   140ms   142ms   -1.3%
                   SmallTuples:   134ms   139ms   -3.3%   138ms   142ms   -2.3%
         SpecialClassAttribute:   157ms   161ms   -2.3%   161ms   165ms   -2.7%
      SpecialInstanceAttribute:   183ms   178ms   +2.6%   187ms   182ms   +3.1%
                StringMappings:   156ms   156ms   -0.3%   160ms   160ms   +0.3%
              StringPredicates:   148ms   163ms   -9.0%   151ms   166ms   -9.1%
                 StringSlicing:   146ms   147ms   -0.8%   148ms   150ms   -0.8%
                     TryExcept:   161ms   162ms   -0.6%   165ms   167ms   -1.2%
                    TryFinally:   139ms   148ms   -6.2%   144ms   150ms   -3.7%
                TryRaiseExcept:   115ms   121ms   -4.6%   117ms   123ms   -4.2%
                  TupleSlicing:   138ms   133ms   +3.6%   140ms   137ms   +2.4%
               UnicodeMappings:   196ms   183ms   +6.8%   203ms   188ms   +8.1%
             UnicodePredicates:   149ms   160ms   -6.9%   152ms   166ms   -8.6%
             UnicodeProperties:   136ms   142ms   -4.0%   140ms   146ms   -3.9%
                UnicodeSlicing:   143ms   144ms   -0.9%   146ms   153ms   -4.4%
                   WithFinally:   167ms   197ms  -15.2%   171ms   201ms  -14.5%
               WithRaiseExcept:   136ms   160ms  -15.0%   138ms   165ms  -16.0%
Totals:                          8459ms  8599ms   -1.6%  8665ms  8822ms   -1.8%

(this=p26.pybench, other=p25.pybench)

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