Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:
>>> Well, currently it does make a difference. Simple example: CreateFile().
>> It's not so simple: Python doesn't actually call CreateFile
> Martin, CreateFile() was just used as an example. You can substitute it with 
> LoadString() or CreateProcess() if you like, the problem remains the same.

However, the solution should be different from the one you propose. I
don't know what call of CreateProcess you are referring to specifically,
but I think they should all be changed to call CreateProcessW.

Again, whether or not _UNICODE is defined should have no effect. If it
does, it's a bug, and the solution is not to sprinkle TCHAR all over the

> [about using SCons for building]
>> And you *can* provide an SCons file that supports all the SDKs?
> No, but I can provide one that allows parametrisation. ;)

And, with proper parametrization, then supports all SDKs?

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