[Barry Warsaw]
So, we need to come up with a new release schedule for Python 3.0. My suggestion:

15-Oct-2008 3.0 beta 4
05-Nov-2008 3.0 rc 2
19-Nov-2008 3.0 rc 3
03-Dec-2008 3.0 final

Given what still needs to be done, is this a reasonable schedule? Do we need two more betas?

Yes to both questions.

I'm seeing that people are just starting to download and play with 3.0.
I expect that we'll start getting more feedback on conversion issues,
the C API, screwy interactions with operating systems, bytes/text issues,
unanticipated interactions with other tools, etc.  Each user will stress
it in new ways and perhaps reveal a bunch of little integration issues
and documentation issues.  Those little fixups way go a long way toward
establishing a good first impression and reputation for 3.0 from the outset.


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