On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 8:50 PM, Raymond Hettinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [Christian Heimes]
>> The idea sounds great!
>> Are you planing to embed the pure python code in C code?
> Am experimenting with a descriptor that fetches the attribute string from a
> separate text file.

Have you ever considered the same approach for docstrings in C code?
As reference, NumPy already has some trickery for maintaining
docstrings outside C sources. Of course, descriptors would be a far
better for implementing and support this in core Python and other

>  This keeps the C build from getting fat.  More
> importantly, it let's us write the execable string in a more natural way (it
> bites to write C style docstrings using \n and trailing backslashes).  The
> best part is that people without C compilers can still submit patches to the
> text files.
> Raymond
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Lisandro Dalcín
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