On 2008-10-23 15:19, David Ripton wrote:
> On 2008.10.23 12:02:12 +0200, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> BTW: I hope you did not use pybench to get profiles of the opcodes.
>> That would most certainly result in good results for pybench, but
>> less good ones for general applications such as Django or Zope/Plone.
> I was wondering about Pybench-specific optimization too, so last night I
> ran a few dozen of my projecteuler.net solver programs with VPython.
> Excluding the ones that are so fast that startup overhead dominates
> runtime, the least speedup I saw versus vanilla 2.5.2 was ~10%, the best
> was ~50%, and average was ~30%.  Pretty consistent with Pybench.

Thanks. That's good to know.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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