On 2008-11-14 23:59, Victor Stinner wrote:
> Hi,
> There are some interresting tickets about the datetime module:
> #1673409: datetime module missing some important methods
> #1083: Confusing error message when dividing timedelta using /
> #2706: datetime: define division timedelta/timedelta
> #4291: Allow Division of datetime.timedelta Objects
> Wanted features:
> 1- convert a datetime object to an epoch value (numbers of seconds since 
>    the 1st january 1970), eg. with a new totimestamp() method
> 2- convert a timedelta to a specific unit (eg. seconds, days, weeks, etc.)
> 3- compute the ratio of two timedelta, eg. for a progress bar

Since the datetime module turned out to be mostly a reimplementation
of mxDateTime, why not continue down that road ?


Let's see:

>>> from mx.DateTime import *

>>> DateTime(2008,11,15).ticks()

>>> TimeDelta(seconds=100)
<mx.DateTime.DateTimeDelta object for '00:01:40.00' at 837030>

>>> TimeDelta(seconds=100) / TimeDelta(seconds=50)

>>> TimeDelta(seconds=100).seconds

>>> TimeDelta(seconds=100).days

>>> TimeDelta(seconds=100).weeks
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: weeks

Guess I could add a .weeks attribute to mxDateTime, but no one ever
asked for that so far.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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