On Wed, Dec 03, 2008 at 08:51:33PM -0500, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On behalf of the Python development team and the Python community, I  
> am happy to announce the release of Python 3.0 final.


> We are confident that Python 3.0 is of the same high quality as our  
> previous releases, such as the recently announced Python 2.6.  We will  
> continue to support and develop both Python 3 and Python 2 for the  
> foreseeable future, and you can safely choose either version (or both)  
> to use in your projects.  Which you choose depends on your own needs  
> and the availability of third-party packages that you depend on.  Some  
> other things to consider:

I think we should also have a statement upon on python.org about
future plans: e.g.

* that there will be a Python 2.7 that will incorporate what we learn from
  people trying to port,
* that 3.1 will rearrange the standard library in mostly-known ways, and 
* that we expect people to use 3.0 mostly for compatibility testing, 
  not going into serious production use until 3.1 or maybe even 3.2.

(The details are open to discussion, of course.)


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