On 2008-12-08 19:26, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 3:53 PM, Terry Reedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Here is a possible use case: I want filenames as 3.0 strings and I
>> anticipate no problems at present but, as you say above, something might
>> happen years in the future.  I am using 3.0 *because* of the strings ==
>> unicode feature.  I would like to write
>> try:
>>  files = os.listdir(somedir, errors = strict)
>> except OSError as e:
>>  log(<verbose error message that includes somedir and e>)
>>  files = os.listdir(somedir)
>> and go one without the problem file but not without logging the problem so a
>> future maintainer can consider what to do about it, but only when there is
>> an actual need to think about it.

If that error parameter is the same as in unicode(value, errors),
then this would be a useful feature:

People could then choose among the already existing error handlers
('strict', 'ignore', 'replace', 'xmlcharrefreplace') or register
their own ones via the codecs module.

Such application specific error handlers could then also apply
whatever fancy round-trip safe encoding of non-decodable bytes
to Unicode escapes, private code points, etc. as seen fit by the

Perhaps we should also add an ''encoding'' parameter that can be
set on a per directory basis (if necessary) and defaults to the
global file system encoding.

If an application hits directory that is known to cause problems,
it could then chose to receive the file names in a different,
more suitable encoding. This allows implementing fallback
mechanisms with a list of common encodings for a locale.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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