Adam Olsen wrote:
> As a data point, firefox (when pointed at my home dir) DOES skip over
> garbage files.
That's not true.  However, it looks like Firefox is actually broken.
Take a look at this screenshot:

That shows a directory with a folder that's not decodable in my utf-8
locale.  What's interesting to note is that I actually have two
nondecodable folders there but only one of them showed up.  So firefox
is inconsistent with its treatment, rendering some non-decodable files
and ignoring others.

Also interesting, if you point your browser at:

You should see two other test files.  They're both
(one-half)(enyei).html but one's encoded in utf-8 and the other in
latin-1.  Firefox has some bugs in it related to this.  For instance, if
you mouseover the two links you'll see that firefox displays the same
symbolic names for each of the files (even though they're in two
different encodings).  Sometimes firefox is able to load both files and
sometimes it only loads one of them.  Firefox seems to be translating
the characters from ASCII percent encoding of bytes into their unicode
symbols and back to utf-8 in some circumstances related to whether it
has the pages in its cache or not.  In this case, it should be leaving
things as percent encoded bytes as it's the only way that apache is
going to know what to retrieve.


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