On Thursday 11 December 2008, Steve Holden wrote:
> Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:
> > If readdir() returned Unicode text, people would start taking that for
> > granted. If it returned bytes, just the same. Returning a completely
> > unrelated type will give them enough hint that for this thing they have
> > to rethink their assumptions. This runs along the lines of "In the face
> > of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.", as it makes guessing
> > rather impossible.
> So you are suggesting this "special object" be used only to represent
> files to users? Now I understand.

Not only files, the same problem crops up when handling sys.argv and 

> > I just don't see a case where using a separate path class would break
> > things. Further, the special handling that is required would be made even
> > clearer by using such a class.
> But it does have to be implemented ...

Well, it isn't really terribly difficult to do so, after all its just a 
container for either a byte string or Unicode string plus some helper code to 
convert it to/from Unicode.


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