On 2009-01-08 12:36, Kristján Valur Jónsson wrote:
> Oh dear. C code indented by spaces?
> I'll give up programming then.
> Just set your editor tab size to 4 and all is well.

I know this is flame bait, but TABs are 8 spaces in Python land :-)
and most C files in Python that contain TABs and mix them with
spaces rely on this.

BTW: I don't blame anyone for the mixup - some editors simple
go ahead and convert 8 spaces leading whitespace into TABs
without the user knowing about this... after all, white on white
looks all white in the end ;-) (there are even some steganographic
systems out there, applying this scheme to embed data into
text files).

In any case, I think I need to remind people of PEP 7: Style Guide
for C Code ...


It already says: "At some point, the whole codebase may be
converted to use only 4-space indents."

> K
> -----Original Message-----
> From: python-dev-bounces+kristjan=ccpgames....@python.org 
> [mailto:python-dev-bounces+kristjan=ccpgames....@python.org] On Behalf Of 
> M.-A. Lemburg
> Sent: 8. janúar 2009 09:49
> To: Collin Winter
> Cc: Antoine Pitrou; python-dev@python.org
> Subject: Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing incorrect indentations in C files (Decoder 
> functions accept str in py3k)
>> Or better yet, really bite the bullet and just reindent everything to
>> spaces. Not every one uses vim or emacs, nor do all tools understand
>> their modelines. FYI, there are options to svn blame and git to skip
>> whitespace-only changes.
> +1... and this should be done for both trunk and the 3.x branch
> in a single checkin to resync them.
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