On 2009-01-30 11:40, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Aahz <aahz <at> pythoncraft.com> writes:
>> There's absolutely no reason not to have a 3.0.2 before 3.1 comes out.
>> You're probably right that what Raymond wants to is best not done for
>> 3.0.1 -- but once we've agreed in principle that 3.0.x isn't a true
>> production release of Python for PEP6 purposes, we can do "release early,
>> release often".
> It's a possibility. To be honest, I didn't envision us releasing a 3.0.2 
> rather
> than focusing on 3.1 (which, as others said, can be released in a few months 
> if
> we keep the amount of changes under control).
> But then it's only a matter of naming. We can continue the 3.0.x series and
> incorporate in them whatever was initially planned for 3.1 (including the
> IO-in-C branch, the dbm.sqlite module, etc.), and release 3.1 only when the
> whole thing is "good enough".

That would be my preference.

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