On 15 Feb, 2009, at 21:13, Daniel (ajax) Diniz wrote:


In the discussion of a feature request for MacPython[1], the OP (hhas) said:

As of Python 2.6/3.0, all Mac-specific modules are deprecated/ eliminated from the standard library and there are no longer any plans to submit
   appscript for possible inclusion. This issue should be rejected and

If that is the current state of Mac modules, there are no less than 17
issues* that should be closed, 4 bug reports** that might be kept open
and 4 mixed-cases*** that might be obsolete/irrelevant.

Besides amounting to 1% of open issues, these can divert efforts to
bogus issues: I've submitted a patch for one of the mixed-cases (bug +
feature request), but now don't think it was worth it.

So, if someone could reassure / clarify the rules for closing these in
general and/or take a quick look at specific issues, that would be a
great help.

The Carbon bindings in 2.6 are deprecated and I don't intend to work on fixing them, and would advise against trying to fix issues with these modules unless you're personally affected by them.

Issue lists below.


[1] http://bugs.python.org/issue916013

Should have been closed ages ago.

* Feature requests and implementation polishing issues:

http://bugs.python.org/issue706585 Expose FinderInfo in FSCatalogInfo

Closed as won't fix.

http://bugs.python.org/issue706592 Carbon.File.FSSpec should accept
non-existing pathnames

Closed as won't fix.

http://bugs.python.org/issue776533 Carbon.Snd module SPB constructor shadowed

Closed as fixed (after reapplying the patch on the trunk)

http://bugs.python.org/issue779285 Carbon Event ReceiveNextEvent

Left this open for now, I have to have a better look at the actual code to check if it is worthwhile to keep this issue open.

http://bugs.python.org/issue806149 aetools.TalkTo methods can be obscured

Closed as won't fix

http://bugs.python.org/issue822005 Carbon.CarbonEvt.ReceiveNextEvent args wrong

Left this open for now, seems to be related to issue779285.

http://bugs.python.org/issue852150 Can't send Apple Events without
WindowServer connection

Closed as won't fix.

http://bugs.python.org/issue853656 Carbon.CF.CFURLRef should be easier to create

Closed as won't fix.

http://bugs.python.org/issue869649 Quicktime missing funcitonality

Closed as won't fix, even the C-level API is deprecated.

http://bugs.python.org/issue878560 Add a console window for Carbon
MacPython applets

Closed as won't fix.

[... Skip other issues ... : I'll have a look at these later on ]

** Probably out of  date, irrelevant or both:

http://bugs.python.org/issue779153 bgen requires Universal Headers,
not OS X dev headers

Should be closed, I'm not planning on recreating the Carbon bindings.

http://bugs.python.org/issue602291 Bgen should learn about booleans

This one is not related to OSX, appearently at least some people actually use Bgen for creating wrapper code.

http://bugs.python.org/issue775321 plistlib error handling

http://bugs.python.org/issue985064 plistlib crashes too easily on bad files

Plistlib is in the generic standard library in 2.6 and 3.0. I haven't checked yet if these issues are relevant at this point in time.


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