On Sat, 21 Feb 2009 at 12:56, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
(4) automatic saves of intermediate work
   -- at the tweak stage, the effort to save, commit, and push to a
      DVCS outweighs the effort to tweak, costing a lot of polish IME
   -- wikis don't do this, and I wonder whether people would be
      willing to save unpolished work, or leave it sitting in the
      browser "until later"

Not that I'm expecting to be working on PEPs any time soon, but just as a
different perspective, I would find the effort to open up Google docs to
be a much higher barrier to doing some editing tweaks than the dvcs case.
For the DVCS, I'd just write a little script that would (1) update (2)
open the editor on the file (3) do the commit/push dance when the file
was closed.  So for me it would be as easy as editing the file locally.

So for my work style, a DVCS would be the biggest win.

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