
  victor> >>> file('0wn3d', 'w').write('w00t\n')
  victor> Cool. It's a good reason to go to Pycon UK this yeak ;-)

Thank you so much Victor! Please mail/phone me when you are heading to
London and I shall honour the evening out!

Now, how about this adapted version without reload?

I could make life much easier for myself by just removing all builtins
except the fundamental types, but this is way more interesting!!

Please continue the challenge the same as before, but with the new safelite.py

  steven> If you really want people to try and break it, I
  steven> suggest you send it to c.l.py


love, tav

plex:espians/tav | t...@espians.com | +44 (0) 7809 569 369
http://tav.espians.com | http://twitter.com/tav | skype:tavespian
Please try and break this.

On a fresh Python interpreter, do the following:

  >>> from safelite import FileReader

You should now be able to read files as you want...

Now, please try and *write* to a file on the filesystem from within the

Please note that the aim of this isn't to protect Python against segfaults or
exhaustion of resources attacks, so those don't count.

Let me know <t...@espians.com> or Python-Dev how your experience goes -- whether
this seems to work for you or not. Thanks!


import __builtin__
import sys

from sys import _getframe as get_frame
from types import FunctionType, GeneratorType

__all__ = ['FileReader']

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# map funktion attribute names for python versions >= 2.6
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    'func_code': '__code__',
    'func_globals': '__globals__',
    'func_closure': '__closure__'

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# sekure the interpreter!
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def secure_python():
    """Remove insecure variables from the Python interpreter."""

    from ctypes import pythonapi, POINTER, py_object

    get_dict = pythonapi._PyObject_GetDictPtr
    get_dict.restype = POINTER(py_object)
    get_dict.argtypes = [py_object]

    def dictionary_of(ob):
        dptr = get_dict(ob)
        if dptr and dptr.contents:
            return dptr.contents.value

    if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
        py_version = 2
    elif sys.version_info >= (2, 6):
        py_version = 1
        py_version = 0

    for attr in FUNCTION_PY26_ATTRS.keys():
        if py_version <= 1:
            del dictionary_of(FunctionType)[attr]
        if py_version >= 1:
            del dictionary_of(FunctionType)[FUNCTION_PY26_ATTRS[attr]]

    del dictionary_of(type)['__subclasses__']
    del dictionary_of(GeneratorType)['gi_frame']

    if py_version:
        del dictionary_of(GeneratorType)['gi_code']

def secure_python_builtins():
    """Remove dangerous builtins like ``file`` and patch appropriately."""

    # thanks Victor Stinner!

    for item in ['open', 'file', 'execfile', 'reload']:
        del __builtin__.__dict__[item]

    def null(*args, **kwargs):

    import linecache
    linecache.open = FileReader

    import site
    site.file = FileReader

    __builtin__.__import__ = null

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# pseudo-klass-like namespase wrapper
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class NamespaceContext(type):
    """A Namespace Context metaclass."""

    def __call__(klass, __getter):
        for name, obj in __getter:
            setattr(klass, name, obj)
        return type.__call__(klass, __getter)

    def __str__(klass):
        return 'NamespaceContext%s' % (tuple(klass.__dict__.keys()),)

def _Namespace():

    __private_data = {}

    def Namespace(*args, **kwargs):
        """Return a Namespace from the current scope or the given arguments."""

        class NamespaceObject(tuple):

            __metaclass__ = NamespaceContext
            __slots__ = ()

            def __new__(klass, __getter):
                return tuple.__new__(klass, __getter)

        ns_items = []; populate = ns_items.append

        if args or kwargs:

            frame = None

            for arg in args:
                kwargs[arg.__name__] = arg

            for name, obj in kwargs.iteritems():
                if isinstance(obj, FunctionType):
                    populate((name, staticmethod(obj)))
                    populate((name, obj))


            frame = get_frame(1)

            for name, obj in frame.f_locals.iteritems():
                if isinstance(obj, FunctionType):
                    if not (name.startswith('_') and not name.startswith('__')):
                        populate((name, staticmethod(obj)))
                elif name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__'):
                    populate((name, obj))

        del frame, args, kwargs

        # @/@ what should we do with __doc__ and __name__ ??

        return NamespaceObject(ns_items)

    return Namespace

Namespace = _Namespace()

del _Namespace

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# file reader
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

open_file = __builtin__.open

def FileReader(filename, mode='r', buffering=0):
    """A secure file reader."""

    if mode not in ['r', 'rb', 'rU']:
        mode = 'r'

    fileobj = open_file(filename, mode, buffering)

    def __iter__():
        if fileobj.closed:
            raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file.")
        return self

    def __repr__():
        return '<FileReader: %r>' % filename

    def close():
        return fileobj.close()

    def next():
        return fileobj.next()

    def read(bufsize=-1):
        return fileobj.read(bufsize)

    def readline(size=-1):
        return fileobj.readline(size)

    def readlines(size=-1):
        return fileobj.readlines(size)

    def seek(offset, whence=0):
        fileobj.seek(offset, whence)

    def tell():
        return fileobj.tell()

    def is_closed():
        return fileobj.closed

    def is_atty():
        return fileobj.isatty()

    def get_encoding():
        return fileobj.encoding

    def get_mode():
        return fileobj.mode

    def get_name():
        return fileobj.name

    def get_newlines():
        return fileobj.newlines

    self = Namespace()

    return self

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# self runner
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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